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What Are the different job opportunities in AVIATION Sector ?

In one word- plenty! 

There are dozens of jobs available in the contemporary scheme of things that concern the aviation sector in India. 

It’s a busy place. It’s an action-packed space and especially in the post Covid era, where more individuals have begun taking to the skies than before, the competition is immense, but then so too are the opportunities. 

So that leaves us with the simple but vital question of these times- what are different job opportunities that you can go after where it comes to Aviation?


Fleet Management

This is a remarkably important field whose relevance cannot actually be overstated. Those who are into fleet management are primarily required to oversee the operations as well as the maintenance of a fleet of aircrafts. 

  • Never an easy but at the same time, such a critical job! 
  • To put it aptly, the fleet management professionals actually form the backbone of the aviation industry and are highly sought- after professionals. 
  • Their primarily role, it must be remembered, is to ensure optimal performance and efficiency of aircraft fleets- such a key job!  

Ground Handling

You’ve boarded a flight successfully but then what about the luggage you safely secured in a bid to see it arrive at the requisite destination?

  • This is part of where the ground handling executives or professionals step in to offer unwavering support. 
  • A wide bouquet of handling services include the following, but are not restricted to- baggage handling

        On Ground, Aircraft cleaning and even,     


  • At the same time, if there’s a passenger who requires a certain special kind of assistance, then the same must be or ought to be provided by the member concerned with the ground handling crew. 

Crew Scheduling

How do you prepare the roster of flights as well as those pertaining to the flight crews? Likewise, how do you ensure proper deployment of the flight crews? 

  • When you become a professional who’s  concerned with crew scheduling, you look after these critical matters. 
  • But your job doesn’t end there; it’s merely the beginning. You’re also responsible for the deployment of the crews associated with a particular flight as well as (being) responsible for compliance with the pre determined regulations. 
  • In many a case, a crew scheduling professional is also tasked with optimising the crew resources on board an airplane. 

Safety and Security

A really vital and at the same time, unprecedentedly important operation in connection with operating a flight; this is a critical role within the aviation sector. 

  • Those entrusted with ensuring proper safety and security of an airline need to ensure the overall safety of not just the passengers but also the crew onboard an airline. 
  • In order to ensure the same, one needs to ensure successful implementation and enforcing of all required safety protocols that have been put in place. 
  • At the same time, such professionals need to conduct several risk assessments. 

At the end of the day, passenger and crew safety is everything- is it not?

In-Flight Service

Can you ever actually picture a flight that’s on air and has already taken off without the presence of the in-flight crew? 

  • The in-flight personnel, vital, dependable and ever responsible, are perhaps just as important as those responsible for flying the plane! 

No jokes. 

  • Tasked with delivering a wide buffet of quality in-flight services to the seated passengers, such as food & beverage services and in-flight assistance, the cabin crew form the bedrock of an airline and are actually an adjective of convenience and reliability.  
  • Their primary job is to ensure utmost passenger satisfaction.

Slot Allocation

  • Those tasked with coordinating and allocating the arrival as well as the departure slots for an aircraft at a certain airport form a unique, if also necessary, professional requirement in the realm of Aviation. 

It’s a vital job. A challenging role. 

  • Their job also requires them to see to it that delays don’t happen and that the limited resources at their disposal are properly utilised. 


  • You simply cannot board a flight, irrespective of who you are and where you are headed, if a proper valid ticket isn’t issued to you. 
  • The reservation system forms a complex, if also vital, part of the aviation system and hence, is a vital job to be filled by the right candidates. 
  • Calculation of fares, therefore and ensuring proper ticketing regulations are must haves as skill sets in this particular job within the wide scope of the aviation industry. 

This might be a complex looking job, but without it sorted in the first step, no passenger can onboard a plane anywhere in the world, irrespective of the strength of one’s passport or a person’s individual standing in the society. 

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